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Students need a minimum of 24 credits in grades 9-12 in order to graduate from high school. Specific graduation credits are listed below.  Exceptions to the below requirements will be handled on a case-by-case basis and approved by the Board of Directors. Graduating students must also have at least a 2.0 grade point average and have taken either the SAT or ACT college admission test. Beginning with the class of 2028, all students must have 100 service hours as a graduation requirement. 

24 Graduation Credits Required:

  • Bible - 4 credits
  • English - 4 credits
  • Math - 4 credits
  • Science - 4 credits
  • History - 3 credits
  • PE - 1 credit
  • Foreign Language - 2 credits
  • Fine Art/Practical Art - 1 credit
  • Personal Financial Literacy - 0.5 credits
  • Critical Thinking and Study Skills - 0.5 credits

Dual Enrollment

Aletheia Christian has partnered with the following Post-Secondary Institutions in order to provide Dual Enrollment opportunities for our students: 

  • University of West Florida , Pensacola State College, Cedarville University, and CampusEDU.  

Contact our Guidance Counselor, Ashley Andrews at for more information.


Aletheia high school students (grades 9-12) have the option of taking on-line courses through Sevenstar Academy. Sevenstar is a ministry of ACSI and is an excellent way to take Advanced Placement courses. 

Aletheia allows our students to take Sevenstar classes for the following reasons:

  • to provide them with greater access to Advanced Placement (AP) classes,

  • to provide additional course options where the school feels it is appropriate,

  • to allow students who enter Aletheia after the ninth grade and are out of sequence with our class schedule to make up the needed classes.

For more information on Sevenstar, please read this informational packet .